Our Impact

Wesnet has been helping women and children in Australia since 1994

Experts in domestic and family violence

Wesnet is a network of specialist domestic and family violence services working on the frontline to assist women and children experiencing and impacted by domestic and family violence

Australia's leading NGO expert on technology facilitated abuse

Since 2009 we've been working closely with the international experts on Technology abuse.  We've trained over 8500 frontline workers since 2013. 

Safety Net Project

The Safety Net project examines the intersection between technology and violence against women. 

Large member network

Our members are Australia’s specialist women’s domestic and family violence services - a system of complex service delivery organisations that assist women and children experiencing or escaping violence 

Now a Deductible Gift Recipient

Wesnet is a Public Benevolent Institution and registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient. 

Read our Social Impact Report

To read our latest report click on the report image.

Safe Connections Snapshot to 30 June 2024


[email protected] / (Australia FREE CALL) 1800 937 638

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